Friday, April 24, 2020

Rebuttal Essay free essay sample

But the biggest reason people don’t vote, because they are ill-informed, they do not believe what the politicians are saying, or are watching what these past politicians have promised in their campaigning and have seen nothing they promised happen, see everything stay the same year after year, and after a while people learn to just sit back and watch what is happening in the world, becasue their one vote is not going to change anything. Though many feel like voting is such a large part of an Americans role in society, many can argue that their vote doesn’t count, there are far too many people to think that your one vote could change the outcome, and believe that all these promises these people make are going to be followed through with so therefore why vote? It is not going to change anything. Over time with technology advancing so quickly it has become very easy to do just about anything we want when it comes to technology. We will write a custom essay sample on Rebuttal Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It has become very easy to cheat and get away with it. In Goska’s writing she says. â€Å"Why do we deny that power? Why do we not honor what we can do? Part of the reason is that â€Å"virtue† is often defined as the ultimate commodity, something exclusive, like a Porsche or a perfect figure, that only the rich and famous have access to. Virtue is defined as so outside of normal human experiences or ability that you’d think, if you were doing it right, you’d know, because camera crews and am award committee would appear on the lawn†(Goska) She talks about virtue and doing the right thing, but at the same time there are so many people out there that are so quick to cheat and take the easy way with everything. In a video posted to YouTube, Clinton Eugene Curtis, a computer programmer from Tallahassee Florida, goes into court and testifies to the fact that he programmed a prototype that would rig a vote, and flip the vote 51, 49, and it was completely undetectable by elections officials. (Youtube) This is just one of many examples that go along with voting fraud, which many people take into consideration and this is one of the reason that they choose not to vote, because they do not have trust for that things such as this will not happen, and make their vote not count. There are over 310 million people that are living in the United States and, if every single person voted, many people will feel like they are just another person whose vote is going to get lost and it just is simply not going to matter. Whereas Goskas starts out by saying â€Å"I want to do something, but what can I do? I’m just one person, an average person I can’t have an impact, I live with the despair of my own powerlessness. I can’t bring myself to do anything. The world is so screws up and I have so little power. I feel so paralyzed† This is the feeling that many people have, that they simply cannot make a change, there are simply to many people and in the end, their vote will mean very little on impacting the results of the race. It is researched and actually proven that the odds that your vote will actually affect the outcome of a given election are very, very, very slim. Economists Casey Mulligan and Charles Hunter actually proved that fact by analyzing more than 56,000 Congressional and state-legislative elections since 1898. For all the attention paid in the media to close elections, it turns out that they are rare. The median margin of victory in the Congressional elections was 22 percent, and in-state-legislature elections, it was 25 percent. Even in the closest elections, it is almost never the case that a single vote is going to totally effect the outcome of the election. Of the more than 40,000 elections for state legislator that Mulligan and Hunter analyzed, nearly 1 billion votes, only 7 elections were decided by a single vote, with 2 others tied. Of the more than 16,000 Congressional elections, in which many more people vote, only one election in the past 100 years actually was decided by a single vote that chose the winner of the election. (NYTimes) Annotated Bibliography Girdusky, Ryan J. Dubner And Steven D. Voting, When Your Vote Doesnt Matter. Townhall. com. N. p. , 16 Mar. 2012. Web. 24 Sept. 2012. lt;http://townhall. com/columnists/ryanjamesgirdusky/2012/05/16/voting_when_your_vote_doesnt_matter/page/full/gt;. Ryan James Girdusky writes from New York City. He has been published in the Christian Science Monitor, The Daily Caller, The American Thinker, and World Net Daily. He is a contributor on the radio show Living Truth with Gina Loudon. In this article is very political going in to many things about voting and how people do not choose to vote for all the right reason people get persuaded but by things like friends and family but most of all the lies that are told in campaigns and tv commercials also usually by putting down the opponent. Levitt, Stephen J. Dubner And Steven D. THE WAY WE LIVE NOW. The New York Times. The New York Times, 06 Nov. 2005. Web. 24 Sept. 2012. lt;http://www. nytimes. com/2005/11/06/magazine/06freak. html? pagewanted=allgt;. The authors in this article, Dubner and Levitt quoted the actual researching an analyzing that they performed to prove the fact that actually one vote never actually impacts the outcome of an election. In their research they came to find that in the past 100 years there has actually one been one time that the final results of the election came down all to one person. These people collected and analyze these studies and they were published into the New York Times newspapers, one of the biggest newspapers of all time, a very reliable source. Oallos1. Proof of Voter Fraud in the USA. YouTube. YouTube, 11 Jan. 2008. Web. 24 Sept. 2012. lt;http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=mq9WVuKGwOMgt;. In this video it shows a man testifying in court under oath, releasing the news of the prototype that he wrote in order to release to the people the kind of lying and cheating that are going on, and also to promote the point that no matte

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